Kamila Kokoszynska:One painting,Ten-Thousand Sensations

Grey wolves tend to be powerfully-built, fearless and untamed in the wild. And it would often take a 10-man army to accost these furry warriors.

However, the humane way to capture these wolves  is to do what Kamila Kokoszynska does;which is to paint their soulful eyes and to  emit the right strokes, as a way to expel  ten-thousand emotions and sensations. Through proper color and technique usage, the painting converges into  a moment that lasts forever versus a captured, decaying, carcass that only lasts a week.

Not every painter can do this arduous task but Kokoszynska surely can. It takes someone who is fearless, with  a  positive mindset and an innocent child-like perspective to  take on this role–as a  femme fantastica in  the art world.  

 Since she was 5-years old, Kokoszynska has been painting  in her native land of Poland. Her family recognized her talents early on ( since she loved to play with her great-grandmother’s painting utensils as a young child) and supported her when she participated in extracurricular/cultural art centers.

From then on, she learned how to paint, draw, do charcoal prints, use dry pastels,and do prints. Along the way, she  picked up  an amalgamation of other skills that have widened her horizons in the art world (cooking, teaching piano, socializing, swimming, and teaching).

Currently, she’s getting  a BFA in Graphic Design and incorporates going to school with holding succesful art exhibits in the DMV area (  such as Art-omatic, at Kelly’s Gallery in Alexandria, VA, Torpedo Factory for example). She’s also won numerous first-place awards over the course of her life– including “Most Promising Artist” in her undergraduate  experience.

Kokoszynska is a firm believer in incorporating different styles in her landscapes(very well known for), Portait, Surrealist, imaginative, art work. She’s also well versed in Surrealism, Impressionism, Abstracts, and Realist work. If anyone believes in re-incarnation, one could point out that she could very well be Salvador Dali in this life-time.

Besides having great talents, she has this burgeoning confidence and optimism for any artist–new or old–interested in  painting, drawing or  even sketching, professionally.

 She has the following  advice for any new artist entering the field for fun or as a career:

1.) Art is something you can’t control and it just comes or goes. So please don’t try to force yourself into painting on the spot, let it come to you naturally.

2.) When you paint, there is no time limit. It’s kind of like you lose yourself in your work and you forget the hours pass  by.  Because of this, remember to take breaks and eat when you can. You don’t want to literally be a starving artist, now do you?

3.) Not all artists are loners. I’m a social artist who loves to meet other artists in the DMV area but I do know when to use alone time to do my work.  By interacting with different people, I am able to embody a vast amount of perceptions and to shade it into my work. So, you can be social and an artist.

4.) If anyone steals your artwork, remember that they can never take away  your art skills.

5.) No matter what, each painting you make is one-of-a-kind and a part of you is represented on a canvas. So cherish them and don’t try to replicate them, just because someone tells you too.

6.) When you paint outside, be wary of the weather since anything can happen.

7.) In art, your life experiences can get embedded into your artwork so paint freely. Don’t  worry about making mistakes. Paint fearless like it’s your last day on earth since that’s where your best work will come from.

8.) Don’t think about how much money you can make since it will easily corrupt and stunt yourself, as an artist.  Art is about expressing individuality not about rolling in massive benjamins. This corrupt  mentallity will only restrain your creative juices and stunt your abilities in creating original works of art.

If you want more advice, an art lesson or want to buy any of Kokoszynska works of art in the United States or internationally, please e-mail her at: kamila.koko@yahoo.com . (Also please click on highlighted links to check out or purchase any of  Kokoszynska’s work. )
